Interview with an indie author (Tina Glasneck)

Tina Glasneck, author of Thou Shall Not

If you were trapped on a desert island, and a magical talking stork could bring you one book (not yours) which would it be?

I’d have to say The Velvet Promise by Jude Deveraux. This was one of my first romance novels growing up, and it still remains one of my favorites.

Which authors influenced you most?

Jude Deveraux, Karen Marie Moning, and Charlaine Harris are my top three authors. Although I do not write historical, contemporary or even paranormal romance, I love the experience they are able to impart through their stories. Their storytelling ability is, in my opinion, worth admiring!

In my genre of romantic suspense, I would say I have been influenced by the works of Allison Brennan and Lisa Gardner, as well as Karen Rose. They all have a grittiness in style that I enjoy to read.

What made you go indie?

Due to the publishing market, and its fluctuation, I decided to try my own luck by remaining in full control of my novel, Thou Shall Not.  After doing my own research over the last several years, and finding out that there are many successful indie authors, I knew that I too could proceed down this challenging but very rewarding road.

What’s your favourite part of indie publishing?

Although I don’t consider myself to be a control freak, my favorite part of indie publishing would be the cover creation. I am a very artistic person, so being able to sit down in front of the computer and create a concept for my cover, which aligns with the book’s story- that in itself was priceless. Indie publishing allows me to be creative and rewards me for it to!

What’s your least favourite part?

Keeping track of numbers and sales, I would say is my least favorite task. When one publishes a book, it can be equated to giving birth. There are so many emotions running high and then just like a newborn, the author has to keep track of the book’s progress on the market.

Since Thou Shall Not has hit the market, I’ve had to track my numbers to see how it is doing. From that information, I can then tell if my promotions and social networking ads, tweets and messaging are working or if I need to tweak some of my promotional campaign.

No one wants to be the person saying, “Buy my book,” and come across as a used car salesman. So, instead, I am hoping to keep sowing the seeds of promotion–informing readers that my book is out there for their enjoyment. At the end of the day, for me, it is all about the reader and getting my story to them.

Summarise your writing style in 100 words or less:

My writing style is based on the belief that human kind is not inherently evil or good; bad people can do good, under certain circumstances, and good people can do evil.  I love to push the boundary, where one is confronted with the thought of what is good or what is evil. Thou Shall Not explores this with a humanized villain.

If you were offered a book-deal would you take it?

It would all depend on the parameters of the book deal. Most writers will never become rich from their work, I am aware of that, and I don’t write for the sole purpose of gaining wealth; there are easier ways of doing that, I hear.

No, I write to tell stories that are screaming to get out of my head! It’s magical seeing something in your mind and bringing it forth. Story-telling allows readers to participate in the writer’s imagination; it allows the reader to shift from one world to another – either make believe or another version of this reality. There is something great about being able to make stuff up for a living and to follow one’s passion in doing it! If the book deal would hinder my creativity by placing constraints on what I could do, should produce or the market niche I am to chase after, then I would have to decline it.

Why should someone pick-up your book?

If you are looking for a novel that gives you chills and creeps you out, then Thou Shall Not, is a great read for you. It is the beginning of the /Eks/ Series and combines my education of theology with my day job in the legal field. It tells the story of a woman who is trying to make the best of her second chance, after getting off of murder charges, but someone wants to make sure that she still pays the ultimate price.

What formats is it available in and where?

Thou Shall Not is currently available as an ebook on Amazon, and the paperback version has a current release date of May 1st.

Kelly, thank you for having me here on your blog; it has been a pleasure! If any of your readers would like to contact me, please visit my site at  Thanks!

About indie e-books is aimed at providing a common platform for indie writers and publishers to show-case their work. The content is kept limited to one (free) short story per author to give the reader an idea of the writing style and talent involved and to help forward them on to more substantial work.
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27 Responses to Interview with an indie author (Tina Glasneck)

  1. bohemianreview says:

    I just finished reading Thou Shall Not – and wow! I especially enjoyed studying the way you choose to reveal, (and not reveal) plot points. (And I’m sleeping with a light on from now on.:o)

  2. Hi Tina! Your books sounds awesome. Congrats on your going for your dream by taking the indie route. I think no matter how you steer your journey to publication it’s a huge step…scary, fun, nail-biting and awesome! Good luck!!!

  3. James says:

    so excited for you Tina. I know lots of hard work went into this. Congrats!

  4. Tina,
    Good luck with your debut novel. May you have many sales.

  5. kim Bussey says:

    Sounds like a hair-raising book, which is just my stle. Hope it does well for you.

  6. Thanks Kim! I’ve been told that the story might scare you a little. Thanks for coming and supporting this interview. It means so very much! 🙂

  7. Stephanie says:

    Congrats on your new book, Tina! Sounds good and so, I’m off to buy it. 🙂

  8. Stephanie says:

    Hi Tina,
    Congrats on your new book! It sounds good and so, I’m off to go buy it. 🙂

    Stephanie St.Clair

  9. Josh says:

    Hello Tina,

    Congratulations on your book. I liked the interview and will check out your book. Good luck to you!


  10. For your first interview, you did exceptionally well. I’m impressed you created your covers. What programs did you use? My hubs wants to go indie on a book and he’s decided I should do the cover. #amfreaking Wishing you the best and good luck on this and your next project.

    • Thank you VintageVonnie! It took a while to learn the software I used to create the cover. I used Adobe Photoshop mostly. Adobe products are great for such tasks.

      I hoped the interview shed some light on the Indie process. To anyone wanting to go the Indie route, I would encourage them to do it. It will be a lot of work, but all adventures are.

  11. Leigh Perry says:

    Your interview was so-oo interesting! You really helped the reader understand more about the process involved in going “indie”–more power to you! May many sales come your way for this book and the many others you have in you to write!

    Leigh Perry

  12. Hey,Tina — Congratulations on your release! Sounds like my kind of book! It’s going in my TBR pile for sure.

  13. Jacqueline Seewald says:

    Congrats on the release of your novel. I love romantic suspense and write in the genre myself. Wishing you every success!

    • Jacqueline, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It means a lot to be able to connect with other writers and readers. There is something special about romantic suspense; I like to call it a “kiss with a BANG.”

  14. Pingback: Why go indie? | indie e-books

  15. Pingback: Influences | indie e-books

  16. Pingback: Would you take a book deal? | indie e-books

  17. Pingback: Pros and cons of going indie | indie e-books

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